Data Driven Playlist Publicist

Pitch your music directly to key streaming playlists

Why playlist promotion is important

publish your music

Everything you need

Using our data driven process, you can get published fast!

Data Driven Analytics

We monitor the full process to track results on your campaign and ensure you hit the guaranteed streams that we promised.

Handpicked Curators

Thanks to a direct relationship with a vast number of curators, our team is able to include your music in popular Spotify key streaming playlists.

Pitch Botique Curators

Songs are directly pitched to our personal list of independent curators who match your music perfectly.

Quality Verification

All artists and playlists curators that we work with have foregone an deep quality verification

Human Touch

Our team listens to all track submissions carefully, we love music!

Secure Placement

You’ll be included in popular key streaming playlists. This will turn in monthly listeners, streams, and new fans.

Trusted by leading music foundations

How our artists use Playlist Promotion

863.89$ that brought us: 162,752 streams (79% organic push from Spotify)

Rearview are a LO-FI beats duo that had a great success story when it comes to building a relationship with the Spotify algorithm with our strategy

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Contact Us

We love to hear new talent, send us your details and we will get back to you!


+972 053 684 2722


Tel Aviv, Beit Hashoeva 12 St.


Are you an artist or label?